Windows XP: Renable File and Folder Tasks Panes

    浏览器这个界面倒是挺简洁,可就是不习惯!后来通过BB知道这左面一栏有三部分组成:“File and Folder Tasks”,“Other Places”,“Details”。Google了一下,原来是自己查看系统文件时修改了文件夹选项,在切换选项卡时不小心碰到了一个按钮。真是郁闷,竟然从来没有注意过这个按钮!

In the Windows Explorer you can enable the left-hand task pane to provide quick access to several different operations that can be performed against a file or folder.

This feature can sometimes be disabled, so if you want to enable it you need to follow the instructions below:

  • Open Windows Explorer
  • From the Tools menu select ‘Folder Options…’
  • Click the General tab.
  • Click the ‘Show common tasks in folders.’ radio button.
  • Press the OK button.

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